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Cooking with a yogaview

A collection of recipes from the yogaview community

I wrote "Cooking with a yogaview" in 2013 to honor the 10 year anniversary of yogaview, the studio that I love and have been teaching at for years. The cookbook is a compilation of recipes from the friends and family of yogaview. It's a lacto-ovo-pescatarian cookbook; that means fish, eggs and dairy, but no meat and no fake meat (soy). It's a whole foods cookbook: no processed foods and no low-fat or non-fat ingredients.

I am very grateful to my editor, Jennifer Boeder; Michael Flockhart, my designer; Scott Shigley, my photographer; and Vivian Hecimovich, my recipe tester. I could not have done it without this beautiful family of people who are all students or teachers at yogaview. 

Pick up your copy at a yogaview boutique, or you can email me.